European Dream
The American Dream the European Way?
Panel discussion on 15 February 2005 with Jeremy Rifkin, Daniel Cohn-Bendit,
Maria João Rodrigues, Pascal Lamy and Martine Aubry
Europe’s vision of the future is eclipsing the American Dream, according to
American author Jeremy Rifkin. In terms of community relationships, cultural
diversity, quality of life, sustainable development and universal human rights,
Rifkin argues in his new book The European Dream that Europe is surpassing
Should economic growth, individual wealth and free markets take priority over
quality of life, sustainable development and cultural diversity? Is the
\'American Dream\' still a valid concept? And is Europe able to meet the
challenges of globalisation in the 21st century?
With renewed emphasis on transatlantic relations and in light of the ongoing
struggle to define and implement the Lisbon process, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, on
behalf of the Greens/EFA Group, has invited three distinguished Europeans to
discuss the advantages and the future of a European model with the author of The
European Dream.
Online registration is now open for the panel discussion. Seating will be
limited in the room in which the debate will take place (PHS 3 C 50, European
Parliament, Brussels) so it is important that registration is sent before
Wednesday 9 February 2005.
Advance registration is compulsory both for people who already have access
badges to the Parliament and those who don\'t.
The online registration is accessible at:The online registration is a accessible at:
Joining Jeremy Rifkin and Daniel Cohn-Bendit at a panel debate on \"The decline
of the American Dream – the rise of the European Dream?\" will be Pascal Lamy,
Maria João Rodrigues and Martine Aubry. The event will be held in the European
Parliament (room PHS 3 C 50) on Tuesday 15 February 2005 at 19.30. Translation
into English, French, German and Dutch will be provided and more details will
Short note about the participants:
Jeremy Rifkin is president of the Foundation on Economic Trends and the author
of seventeen books on the impact of scientific and technological changes on the
economy, the workforce, society, and the environment, including The End of Work,
The Biotech Century and The Hydrogen Economy. He has served as an advisor to
government leaders, heads of state, political parties and major European
corporations. He was a personal advisor to Romano Prodi during the last
Pascal Lamy is Europe’s candidate for the post of the president of the WTO. He
is a former European Commissioner for Trade and was chief of staff to Commission
President Jacques Delors from 1984 to 1994.
Maria João Rodrigues is a former Portuguese employment minister and was one of
the architects of the Lisbon strategy. She is President of the Commission\'s
Advisory Group for Social Sciences and is currently a special advisor to the
Luxembourg Presidency.
Martine Aubry is a former French employment minister in and \"mother\" of the
35-hour working week. She is a member of the Parti socialiste and currently the
mayor of Lille.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit is Co-President of the Green/EFA group in the European
Parliament and a passionate advocate of a politically and economically united
resistance in underground - 29. Jan, 17:22
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